In this blog post, I'll be sharing the must-read books for Pre-K. This blog post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. This means that if you make a purchase after clicking a link on this post then I will earn a small commission but it won't cost you a cent more. Read my full disclosure policy. I am constantly asked what books for pre-k children we should be reading. As teachers, ... Read More about 50 Must-Read Books for Pre-K
Is It Time to Change How We Teach Sight Words?
In this post, I'll be sharing my opinion about high-frequency words (sight words), and how children learn to read. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy to learn more about this. My son started school a few weeks ago and, after his third day, he bounded out of his classroom, proudly waving a notebook in front of my face. He told me it was his 'sight ... Read More about Is It Time to Change How We Teach Sight Words?
How to Avoid the Classroom Power Struggle
In this blog post, I'll be sharing the secret to avoiding a classroom power struggle. The world is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and my boys desperately needed haircuts. Now, for most families this would mean pulling out the clippers and watching the hair fall to the floor. Not in my house! Our youngest hates the hairdresser. Every time we’ve taken him for a haircut, he’s screamed ... Read More about How to Avoid the Classroom Power Struggle
School Closure: 30 Simple, No-Tech Activities for Surviving
Whether it's due to snow days or a global pandemic, a school closure can occur and students just need to stay home. These can be challenging times for everyone. Teachers might worry about the extended periods away from school and the impact of this on student learning. Maybe parents are not sure what to do with the children each day. Or sometimes, you just want to pre-empt that cabin ... Read More about School Closure: 30 Simple, No-Tech Activities for Surviving
Why I Teach (and what I Love the Most)
When I was a child, my grandmother used to say I'd make a great teacher. She said I had the patience of a saint. She said I was kind, considerate, empathic, and caring. She said these were the skills needed to teach young minds. So, of course, when it was time to consider my options after finishing high school, my top preference was psychology. Seriously! I loved my grandma but I really ... Read More about Why I Teach (and what I Love the Most)